Archive for January, 2010


January 23, 2010


Happiness depends on balance. If our external and internal lifestyles are balanced the, assuming we have the potential to get well, all the conditions necessary for healing are in place. How to establish external balance? We should develop a good diet, drink plenty of water, get enough rest and sleep, have regular exercise within our capacity and we need to have an enjoyable or purpose in life or learn to enjoy it. Also it helps to live in a clean and healthy environment. We also need supportive and healthy relationships and should avoid substance abuse…

Happiness or fulfillment is just a state of mind – it comes from within so it is impossible to find lasting peace of mind in only the external world. Sometimes illness could be a blessing in disguise because it can help to start us on that inner journey towards wholeness and ultimate healing…

Best Wishes!

P.S if you like, you may join the group and contribute. Tnx


January 4, 2010

Happiness depends on balance. If our external and internal lifestyles are balanced the, assuming we have the potential to get well, all the conditions necessary for healing are in place. How to establish external balance? We should develop a good diet, drink plenty of water, get enough rest and sleep, have regular exercise within our capacity and we need to have an enjoyable or purpose in life or learn to enjoy it. Also it helps to live in a clean and healthy environment. We also need supportive and healthy relationships and should avoid substance abuse…

Happiness or fulfillment is just a state of mind – it comes from within so it is impossible to find lasting peace of mind in only the external world. Sometimes illness could be a blessing in disguise because it can help to start us on that inner journey towards wholeness and ultimate healing…

Best Wishes!

P.S if you like, you may join the group and contribute. Tnx.


January 4, 2010

Stress signs:
(irritability, depression, heart palpitations, fatigue, compulsive eating’s, unexplained anxiety, insomnia and body aches and pains).
Source of stress:
environment (noise, pollution, world events)
Our Personal lives
(work, family, relationships, peer pressure, finances, social events, deadlines);
our physical health:
(illness, poor nutrition, ageing, injury, lack of exercise)
Our thoughts
(negative emotions –anger, guilt, grief, trauma and obsessive thoughts),

Stress becomes a negative event when the sitituation appears dangerous, painful or unfair and we don`t have the resources to cope. Too many negative events experienced over a long period of time can result in a compromised immune system and subsequent health problems.

Solution for managing stress
(1) Practice physical and mental relaxation technique;
(2) Eat a healthful diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains

(3) Drink plenty of water

(4) Exercise regularly

(5) Laugh often


Self-hypnosis is an excellent technique for alleviating stress-related conditions such as headaches, insomnia, nervous tics, nail-biting, anxiety and high blood pressure. Medication, visualization and deep breathing are relaxation techniques that help the body recovery physically and emotionally from the harmful effects of stress. You need a getaway form stress in order to recharge and retune your life.
Best Wishes!






Quote Life is 10% what you make and 90% how you take!!!!